A professional podiatric evaluation will identify any dermatological conditions that require treatment

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treatment of ingrown toenails, warts,
corns and callus

Dermatological conditions such as these are fairly common and easily treated when identified in time.

There are a number of dermatological conditions that affect the feet. Some are viral in nature, such as warts, and are contracted through ordinary activities, such as visiting Public Pools or showering bare foot in Public Bathrooms. Others are fungal in nature, such as Athletes Foot, which can affect both your toenails and skin.

Dermatological Conditions are likely to arise when we age, as bones drop and muscle mass is gradually lost. Conditions such as these can also arise through the use of inappropriate shoe wear or are, in some cases, simply inherited from our parents. This includes conditions such as ingrown toenails, the persistent build-up of callus and painful corns, and the thickening of toenails known as Onychogryphosis or rams horns nails to name a few.

A professional podiatric evaluation will correctly identify each of these dermatological conditions, allowing for accurate diagnosis and treatment plans that actually work.

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What to expect from dermatological treatments


Helen will evaluate the ingrown toenail and decide on whether conservative treatment or minor surgical treatment is appropriate. In the case of the latter; Helen will perform a Nail Wedge Resection with Phenolisation, this is a minor surgical procedure which boasts a success rate of 94% in treating persistent ingrown toenails. Wound Care management will follow one week after the procedure to ensure the surgical site is healing normally.

Corns and Callus

Corns and callus develop due to overloading or friction, the underlying factors which contribute to their development often stems from biomechanical complications, arthritic conditions or inappropriate shoe wear. Helen will reduce thickened skin as well as advise on appropriate emollients or creams, exercise programs and shoe wear to reduce the persistent build-up of corns and callus in the future.

Onychogryphosis (Rams Horn Toenails)

Damage to the nail base or small incremental damage due to inappropriate shoe wear can create Onychogryphosis, commonly known as ram’s horns nails. The condition is often seen in older patients or highly active individuals who have damaged their nail during sporting activities. The nail is professionally cut and thinned down to enhance comfort levels and to make the nail more cosmetically appealing.

Fungal Infections

When it comes to nail conditions, many mimic fungal infections, therefore, correct diagnosis is required before initiating expensive anti-fungal treatment plans. Helen will take a sample of the affected area from the nail or skin for laboratory testing. The results can take up to 6 weeks as it is carefully cultivated on growth medium by the laboratories to correctly identify the invading organism. Once results are received, Helen will implement an appropriate treatment program to rid the nail or skin of the fungus. It’s important to note that getting rid of fungal infections is always a lengthy process.

Veruca Pedis (Warts)

Warts are often mistaken for corns and so it is vital that you receive professional diagnosis when suspecting you may have either condition. The practice uses either chemical cautery with regular reduction of wart tissue, known as Chemotherapy, and/or the wart is frozen using liquid nitrogen, a procedure is known as Cryotherapy. Depending on the severity of the wart, both procedures may be used in the treatment plan.

Dermatological conditions, such as callus and corns, are likely to arise when we age, as bones drop and muscle mass is gradually lost

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